Hunter HD Insulation Products – The Clear Choice
When comparing roof insulation options, the choice is clear…Hunter H-Shield HD Products.
Higher R-Value, Lighter, Easier Installation
H-Shield HD and H-Shield HD Composite CG
Select polyiso insulation cover boards that are lighter, easier to cut, quicker to install and deliver the highest R-Value available.

Hunter HD Cover Boards are up to 8 times lighter than comparable product offerings. Hunter HD Products help support healthier indoor air quality, resist mold growth and insulate the building from the effects of high temperatures, keeping the building cooler and reducing operating costs. HD products may also help qualify toward LEED Credits.*
H-Shield HD: 1⁄2″ thick, 109 psi., Max high-density
H-Shield HD Composite: H-Shield HD combined with H-Shield CG, Premium, High performance
- Easy installation, labor saving, reduces cost
- Excellent moisture protection, high performance, coated glass facer
- Higher R-Value, greater thermal resistance, lower building operating costs
- Cleaner interior building envelope air quality
- Mold resistant
- Durable, impact resistant against heavy traffic and storms and hail
- Fire retardant
- Dimensional Stability
- UL Class A Rated in virtually all roof assemblies
- Recycled content, less waste, environmentally friendly
* Hunter HD products may contribute toward LEED Credit qualification.
(In Energy & Atmosphere and Materials & Resources)