Extended Exposure Protection Beyond Traditional Underlayments
Are you concerned about your underlayment performance?
When installing roof tile systems, material delays can translate to unexpected underlayment exposure time. The solution is to extend exposure protection beyond 180 days with a Two-Ply Polyglass Polystick® Underlayment System installation!
How to get additional days of exposure?
How to get additional days of exposure?
Install Polyglass Polystick® MTS Plus Underlayment for the first 180 days of exposure, then with prior approval of your local building code official, install Polyglass Polystick® TU Plus Underlayment (over Polystick® MTS Plus) in order to achieve an extraordinary, up to 360 days of total protection!*
*(Always check first with your local building code official before installation to ensure acceptance.)
Polystick® Underlayment Systems
Polyglass Polystick® Underlayments are specifically engineered for steep sloped roofs and to accommodate tile roofing. They are high temperature rated and meet high wind resistance standards. Get the extraordinary protection that only Polystick Underlayments can deliver!