Sika Sarnafil Continuing Education Webinars

Take advantage of the free Continuing Education from Sika Sarnafil.
New dates and subjects are available!

It’s easy to participate in all the course offerings!
To pre-register, simply click the course link for the webinar event you want to join.
Event reminders including webinar links will be sent to you automatically.
The simple way to obtain the learning credits you need!

Sika Sarnafil WebinarsAsk your team to join!

Read the AIA/IIBEC approved course offering descriptions.

Sika Sarnafil offers a variety of AIA/IIBEC approved presentations for architects, specifiers and
BE consultants to obtain their education credit requirements.

For more information regarding all continuing education offerings visit the Sika Sarnafil web site.

Or contact Building Envelope Associates for details.